Music Ministry

Music for Everyone

Beginners, amateurs, professionals.... voice, drums,  guitar,bells...   We are blessed at Gloria Dei to worship with a variety of music.   Each week you may hear a professional violinist, a bluesy shuffle tune, a handbell choir, trumpet and organ, or our world-(in)famous Christmas band!   Whether you are new to music or a practicing professional there is space for your joyful noise at Gloria Dei.


Sings each Sunday throughout the school year. Sing classical, hymns, pop, and everything in between.  Rehearsal on Thursday evenings.  Everyone is welcome!

Music Scholars

We work with local school to provide opportunities for talented young singers to sing professional with our choir as a form or praise, worship, and ministry.  Recent graduates of our scholars program frequently continue with musical studies in college and beyond.

Community Events

We hose a variety of community musical events like Open Mic Night, Oktoberfest, and even a St, Patrick's day sing along.   Check the calendar for what's coming next!

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Kids and Youth