We are in the process of building a new website but are unable to update many parts of this website.  The worship livestream link below is current, and you can check out our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/gloriadeichatham/

WORSHIP THIS WEEK: This Sunday our texts contain some apocalyptic images, ones that sound eerily familiar.  We’ll consider what God is unveiling to us in our own time.  Join us at 10:00 in our physical sanctuary at 300 Shunpike Road or in our digital sanctuary for worship:https://www.youtube.com/live/2MiJfov1GWE?si=RMfvmqZb1AZxVXBc

Gloria Dei Welcome Statement (adopted June 2024) - Gloria Dei Lutheran Church celebrates that each person is created in the image of God, and God’s wide embrace holds all of us. We trust in a living God who, by the power of the Holy Spirit, continually renews and transforms us.  That Spirit holds us in relationship with God and with each other.  We invite you to share in ministry here, bringing all of who you are, including sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, race and ethnicity, age, marital status, faith journey, economic circumstance, immigration path, physical and mental health, and any other identity God has given you to shine your light in the world. We believe that we are called to follow Jesus in serving our world and our community: welcoming the stranger, feeding the hungry, loving our neighbors, and working for justice.  We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation, committed to the full inclusion and affirmation of LGBTQIA+ people and to the ongoing work of racial equity. There is a place for you at Gloria Dei. We welcome you – your identities, your histories, your stories.  We celebrate your unique and holy gifts as we grow together in faith: created by God, saved by Christ, and nurtured by the Holy Spirit.

How Can I Keep From Singing?

“Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us.”  – Martin Luther

Our Music Ministry purpose is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ through music and to touch hearts through the experience of song. Our organist and choir lead the congregation in heartfelt musical worship to give Glory to God. The congregation sings songs of praise, thanksgiving and consecration from our songbook with selections from across the decades. You may enjoy traditional hymns played on the organ, contemporary songs played on the piano, and guest string or wind instrument soloists. We “make a joyful noise unto the Lord” (Psalm 98).

If you have any questions about Music Ministry and Gloria Dei, please feel free to contact our Minister of Music, Carol Beadle, at carol.dory.beadle@gmail.com

Adult Choir

The choir members sing because they love music, they enjoy the fellowship, and it is a rewarding way for them to use their natural gifts to praise God. The choir practices on Thursday nights from 7:00pm to 8:30 and Sundays at 9:15am, and sings each Sunday from September to June. In the summer, we enjoy the musical talents of vocalists and instrumentalists.

Young Singers

Youth of all ages are invited to sing during service various times throughout the year. The children (ages 5-12) sing together, as do the teens (ages 12-18) on important holidays such as Reformation Sunday, Christmas, Transfiguration, Palm Sunday, and Pentecost. The teens help to pick contemporary Christian rock songs that fit the celebration. Rehearsals are after service on the Sundays leading up to the celebration. All are welcome!

Music Scholars

For almost ten years our Music Scholars program has been a wonderful way to connect local high school and college students with our worshipping community. Each year several students, who receive a stipend to support their studies, add their talented voices to our adult choir.

Who: High school singers who have strong choral voices and read music well. (You do not have to be Christian.)

What: Vocalists are needed to enhance our church choir. Payment is $20 for a rehearsal and $25 for a service.

Where: Gloria Dei Lutheran Church at 300 Shunpike Rd, Chatham, NJ

When: Rehearsals are Thursday evenings from 7:00-8:30 pm. Church services are Sundays at 10am with a 9:15am rehearsal. The choir only meets during the school year. Regular attendance is expected, but if you need to miss, we are understanding.

Why: Gloria Dei enjoys supporting young people with a professional and fun music opportunity that contributes to an inspiring worship service for our congregation.  

If you are interested or have a questions, please contact our Minister of Music, Carol Beadle at carol.dory.beadle@gmail.com

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Join the fun this summer as we experience the ride of a lifetime with God!

Rafters will explore how to serve God and God’s mission for their lives. Rolling River Rampage VBS is for children who will be 4 years old by October 1, 2018 with the oldest completing Grade 5 in June.

Monday through Thursday, July 16-19, 9:30 am – 12:15 pm

Click here for registration form:

VBS – Registration Form _18


Quick Contact
300 Shunpike Road
Chatham, NJ 07928-1659
(973) 635-5889
